Spanish Fork High School

Submitted by ts on
SFHS Presentation Board
SF Rendering 1
SF Rendering 2
SF Rendering 3
Football Stadium
Football Stadium
Football Stadium
Football Stadium
Football Stadium Scoreboard

Overview as of September, 2024

  • Footings have been poured for the field house.
  • The gas line has been installed for the main field house building.
  • Systems training is continuing.
  • Landscaping is continuing to progress.

Overview as of August, 2024

  • Landscaping is progressing.
  • The greenhouse is being installed.
  • Demolition of the old building is complete.
  • The new traffic light on Center Street is functioning.

Overview as of July, 2024

  • Asbestos abatement has been completed.
  • Demolition of the old building is continuing.
  • Excavation and preparation for the bus lane and additional parking is beginning.
  • The gas line for the new building is soon to be installed.
  • The bleachers and track in the gym are complete.
  • Lighting and sound system are almost complete in the auditorium.
  • Construction for the new greenhouse will begin this month.

Overview as of June, 2024

  • Demolition of the old Spanish Fork High School began on June 3rd.
  • Asbestos abatement in the old Spanish Fork High School began in the main building and will be completed in three weeks.
  • Installing bleachers in the gym.
  • Installing seating in the auditorium.
  • Completing the track in the gym.
  • Glass handrail will be completed after the track is complete.
  • Full occupancy from the Fire Marshall will happen on June 20th.

Overview as of May, 2024

  • ***JOIN US for an OPEN HOUSE on May 20th from 6:00-8:000 pm for a ribbon cutting and tours of the new Spanish Fork High School.***
  • Landscaping is continuing with sod and landscaping rock being placed.
  • One of the gymnasium floors is completely finished.
  • The other gymnasium floor is currently being painted.
  • Glass handrails are being installed.

Overview as of April, 2024

  • The auditorium and stage lighting are being installed.
  • The gymnasium floors have been installed and are currently being painted.
  • The glass railing in the gymnasium is beginning.
  • Kitchen equipment is being installed.
  • Elevators are installed.
  • Soelberg wall has been installed.
  • Landscaping is beginning.
  • The fence to the north of the school is now complete.

Overview as of March, 2024

  • The bathroom tile in all the bathrooms have been completed.
  • The equipment in the kitchen is currently being installed.
  • Flooring on the first floor is being installed.
  • Concrete around the site is being installed and comping along; walkways, plaza, etc.
  • The two elevators are at the beginning phase of installation.
  • The precast concrete stairs in the following areas are being installed: main stairway, auditorium, commons area, and the gyms.

Overview as of February, 2024

  • The gyms are painted and equipment is currently being installed.
  • The subfloor in the gyms are close to being installed.
  • The lighting and partition in the gyms have been installed.
  • Interactive monitors and whiteboards are currently being installed in classrooms.
  • The lockers in the locker rooms are currently being installed.
  • The floors in the locker rooms are complete.
  • Plumbing fixtures are beginning to be installed.
  • Data is being installed throughout the building.
  • The sound system is being installed.
  • The block wall between the school and the neighbors will be completed by mid February.

Overview as of January, 2024

  • The auditorium work platform (dance floor) has been removed.
  • Currently beginning to build the stage in the auditorium.
  • Currently working on fireproofing all steel structures.
  • the gym air handlers have arrived and are beginning installation.
  • Beginning footings and foundation for the masonry wall between the school and the neighbors.
  • The gyms are currently being painted.
    • 50% complete
  • The school is approximately 83% complete.

Overview as of December, 2023

  • Building is now completely waterproof. All roofs are on.
  • Currently working on the mechanical piping and ductwork in the gyms.
  • Auditorium ceiling work is almost complete.
  • 80% of the classroom flooring is installed.
  • Kitchen is close to completion and ready for equipment.
  • North parking lot is complete.
  • The school is approximately 83% complete.