Salem Hills Soars: Graduation Ceremony Celebrates Changemakers

Submitted by seth.sorensen on
Graduation Picture
Graduation Picture
Graduation Picture
Graduation Picture

On May 21st, 2024, at 6:00 PM, the UCCU Center at Utah Valley University echoed the aspirations of change as Salem Hills High School celebrated its graduating class of 2024. The theme, "Be the Change You Wish to See in the World," resonated throughout the ceremony, inspiring graduates to become agents of positive impact.

Senior Class President Addilei Campbell warmly welcomed the crowd, setting the stage for an evening of reflection and anticipation. The Salem Hills Concert Choir then filled the air with a powerful rendition of the school song, "We Are the Skyhawks."

McKinzie Cook, the valedictorian, took to the stage with a speech that touched on the shared experiences of high school and the exciting possibilities that lie ahead. Salutatorian Maci Nielson followed, offering her unique perspective and heartfelt message to her fellow graduates. The Salem Hills Orchestra then presented a beautiful performance of "Simple Gifts," a moment of musical reflection.

Salutatorian Kristen Watson added her voice to the ceremony, followed by another inspiring address from Senior Class President Addilei Campbell. These student leaders showcased the diverse voices and perspectives that make the graduating class of 2024 so special.

Principal Ryan McGuire delivered a heartfelt speech, acknowledging the graduates' accomplishments and presenting them as the changemakers the world needs. School Board Member Rick Ainge further solidified this message, offering encouragement and support as the graduates embark on their journeys.

The most anticipated moment arrived – the presentation of diplomas. As each name was called, graduates ascended the stage with pride. The ceremony concluded with the Salem Hills Concert Choir performing "One Candle."

The Salem Hills High School Graduation ceremony of 2024 was a celebration not just of achievements, but of potential. With the theme ringing in their ears, the graduates head out into the world empowered to "Be the Change You Wish to See in the World," leaving a legacy of positive impact.