
Submitted by seth.sorensen on
Halloween at Larsen Elementary

Halloween is my favorite holiday. I love everything about it, from the costumes to the candy to the spooky decorations, and one of the best things about Halloween is celebrating it in school.

There's always so much excitement in the air in the days leading up to Halloween. Students start talking about their costumes and planning their trick-or-treating routes. Teachers start decorating their classrooms and planning Halloween-themed activities.

On the day of Halloween, the school is transformed into a spooky wonderland. Pumpkins and ghosts and bats adorn the hallways and classrooms. Students come to school in all sorts of creative costumes.

There are always fun activities planned for Halloween in school. We might have a costume contest, a pumpkin carving contest, or read Halloween stories or play Halloween games.

But my favorite part of celebrating Halloween in school is the sense of community. Everyone is excited and happy, and there's a feeling of magic in the air.

I love seeing all of my friends and classmates dressed up in their costumes. I love participating in the Halloween activities. And I love the feeling of togetherness that comes with celebrating Halloween as a school community.

Halloween in school is a special time of year. It's a time to be creative, to have fun, and to celebrate with friends and classmates. I'm so grateful that my school makes Halloween such a joyous occasion.