Brockbank Elementary Enchanted the Nebo School Board of Education - Answer to Wednesday Challenge

Submitted by lana.hiskey on
Brockbank students sing school song
Brockbank Principal presents
Brockbank student presents
Brockbank student presents
Brockbank student presents
Brockbank student presents
Brockbank Student Pledge

Brockbank Elementary Enchanted the Nebo School Board of Education - Answer to Wednesday Challenge

Principal Nate Holt introduced the Brockbank students and BFFs. BFF means Brockbank Family and Friends. At Brockbank, they focus on building a culture of caring and community among the entire school through monthly groups with mixed grade levels, lessons with important topics, and giving students someone to look to outside of their own classroom. The principal encourages all students to rise up and be their BEST.

Grace Williams, a fifth-grader, presented about the meaning of BEST. At Brockbank Elementary, they
Build a community that cares,
Engage in lifelong learning,
Set goals for growth and success, and
Take responsibility for their actions. Grace focused on building a community that cares and stated that they do this by caring about one another, sharing feelings with each other, and giving positive affirmations. She finalized by saying one of their themes: “I am strong. I am nice. And, I am a good friend.”

Jex Frost, a fifth-grader, discussed what it means to engage in lifelong learning. He said we should have an open mind, try new things, do my part in order to learn, and learning is something I can do for my entire life.

Nixxin Warner, a fifth-grader, talked about setting goals for growth and success. She said it helps to know we can do something and then work towards it. The key is to try our best, and goals require hard work.

Canyon Roberts, a fifth-grader, presented about taking responsibility for my actions. He said this means we own our mistakes, celebrate our successes, and care for those around us and protect our younger friends.

At the conclusion of the presentation, the Brockbank big buddies did care about their younger friends. They each partnered with little buddies and sang the school song. 

What an enchanting evening seeing Brockbank’s BFF and how to be our BEST!

Congratulations to Kyle Braithwaite for answering this week’s “Where are we Wednesday?” challenge sponsored by Wiggy Wash.

#RiseUp #NeboHero #NeboSchoolDistrict #StudentSuccess #EmpowerStudents #EngageStudents #FocusOnStudents #LoveUTpublicSchools #UtPol #UtEd #ThankATeacher #LoveTeaching

By Lana Hiskey