Inclement Weather/School Closure Status

All schools are:
Inclement Weather
Throughout the winter months, there is an increased possibility of school disruptions due to inclement weather. Nebo School District will be open and functioning normally throughout the winter unless parents and employees are notified otherwise. Even when weather conditions are severe, every effort will be made to keep schools open in the belief that it is in the best interest of the students for Nebo Schools to remain open. The District is concerned about the safety of all students, staff and patrons. We encourage everyone to use caution when traveling to and from our schools and buildings during severe weather.
The decision to cancel or delay the start of school is a very complicated process. Nebo School District is a large district covering over 1,300 square miles. Conditions in one area of the district can be very different from conditions in another part of the district. Weather is unpredictable and can change quickly.
On occasion, weather may be so extreme that the district may close schools or implement a delayed start. In each case, a notice will be sent via phone, text, and email to parents/guardians. If a delayed start is called, your school’s starting time will be postponed for two hours. However, your school’s ending time will remain the same. Although the start time will be delayed two hours, we will work to ensure that the school itself will be open by the regular start time in order to accommodate working parents and students that arrive early.
Unfortunately, experience has taught us that there is no single decision that will accommodate the desires of every patron and employee. That being the case, Nebo District is supportive of individual decisions regarding safe travel during inclement weather. Please evaluate your individual situation regarding travel to school. The option to keep children home when weather conditions are severe is always at the parents’ discretion and schools have been asked to respect and honor parent decisions. Make-up schoolwork may be necessary, but schools will accommodate students on the timely completion of required assignments or tests.
Nebo School District recognizes that school closings and delayed starts can be challenging for families to manage. That is why it’s important for each family to be thinking about a severe weather plan for the following two scenarios:
Delayed Start
School Closure
To help you create that plan, we’re sharing more about our strategy in determining a delayed start or school closure. We will always post whether schools are closed or on delayed starts by 6:30 am. Our team pays close attention to the weather every day. To help us make a decision, we have a team of district members who check road conditions in all areas of the district in addition to receiving reports from local law enforcement and emergency management to help determine whether it is safe enough to operate our buses and our schools. We look at road conditions, school parking lots and/or school driveways/walkways to determine if they are considered unsafe for school bus transportation or student/staff use.
The following information may be helpful for individuals with questions regarding inclement weather days.
Inclement Weather Decisions
Inclement weather decisions will be made by no later than 6:30 a.m. on the day of the event. Decisions and action plans are for one school day only.
School Closure (Snow Day)
If the weather is overly severe, a School Closure (Snow Day) may be implemented. If this happens, parents and employees will be notified via our messaging system and the Nebo website.
Delayed Start
If the weather is overly severe, a Delayed Start may be implemented. If this happens, parents and employees will be notified via our messaging system and the Nebo website. With a Delayed Start, schools will start exactly two hours later than their regular start time. The ending time will remain the same as normal. (As an example, a school regularly starting at 8:00 a.m. will start at 10:00 a.m. A regular bus pick up at 7:15 a.m. will be at 9:15 a.m.) During a delayed start Preschool, Half Day (AM or PM Only) Kindergarten, and the ALC will be canceled.
Delayed Start on an Early Out Day (Monday)
If a delayed start is implemented during an early out day, the early out schedule will be canceled and school will run on a regular schedule.
Kindergarten Specific Information
If you have a FULL day kindergarten student, your student will begin their day two hours after the regular start time on a delayed start day.
If you have a MORNING kindergarten student, your student will NOT have school on a delayed start day.
If you have an AFTERNOON kindergarten student, your student will NOT have school on a delayed start day.
Phone, Email, and Text Messages
Nebo School District will send notifications regarding inclement weather decisions via phone, email, and text. It is important that parents and employees have updated personal contact information available so effective communication can occur.
Announcement post on the Nebo District Website-
An announcement concerning an inclement weather decision will be posted on the district website.
Media Announcements
Local media outlets will be contacted and informed of school closure status.
Social Media Announcements
Notifications will be posted on social media pages.
Bus Stops
On inclement weather days, buses may be running late due to road conditions or traffic delays. Please watch for email, phone, or text messages regarding specific delayed bus routes.
Employee Expectations
Even though the district has declared a Delayed Start for students and schools, the expectation is that employees will arrive at their schools/departments at their regular contract time, or as soon as they can safely arrive.
Make-up Days
State law requires each district to have 180 days of instruction. For each school closure (snow day) taken, the day may need to be made up later in the school year. Parents and employees will be notified in advance of the make-up day(s). Delayed start days do not need to be made up.
Dealing with inclement weather can be a frustrating experience for everyone. If you have any ideas or suggestions that you feel might help improve our process, we would love to hear from you. Please feel free to contact us at Thank you.