Studying the Wetlands at Salem Pond

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Rees' multi-age classes all had a very fun time studying about Utah Wetlands last Friday. About 10:30 a.m. we loaded the buses and headed to Salem. When we go there, we ate our lunches at the park. It was a nice change to have recess right their by the pond. The we rotated through five stations. One station was learnind about bird adaptations and dissecting Owl Barf with Mrs. Wiley! Owls can't digest the bones and hair of their prey so they throw it up. I found a mouse skull in my pellet. I liked to pull the little teeth out. Mr. Lee from the Department of Natural Resources (also Justin's dad) came and taught us the uses of a wetland right their at the Nebo Outdoor Wetlands Classroom. Then Mr. Mendenhall taught us the different factors that made the wetlands healthy. We took water samples and tested their "Ph levels". We also got to catch aquatic insects and check them out under magnifying containers. Did you know that you can tell how healthy the water is by the bugs that live in it? With Mr. Roberts, we had binoculars and went bird watching. Three groups got to see some Ospreys hunting. We got really lucky and saw one swoop down and catch a fish. It was still wiggling when it flew away! We had a rockin' time, it was sad when we had to go back to school.
by Bentlee Hatch and Aleesa Hardy